
The State of Vermont electric bicycle (eBike) incentive helps residents purchase eBikes to reduce personal vehicle usage. Eligible Vermonters can apply for a prepaid debit card to be used at a participating in-state bicycle retailer.  

About the incentive

The State of Vermont eBike incentive helps residents purchase eBikes to reduce personal vehicle usage. Eligible Vermonters can apply for a prepaid debit card to be used at a participating bicycle retailer.


Customer eligibility

  • Must meet the Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) requirements:
    • $60,000 or less (individual filing as single)
    • $75,000 or less (individual filing as head of household)
    • $90,000 or less (married filing jointly)
  • Must have proof of Vermont residency
  • Maximum 1 eBike voucher per person

eBike eligibility

  • eBike must meet UL 2849 and/or EN 15194 standards, or have at least a 1-year warranty on electric components
  • Standard eBikes must have a 750-watt battery or smaller
  • Cargo eBikes must have fully operable pedals and an electric motor supplying 1,000 watts of power or less. Cargo eBikes must be specifically designed for transporting loads, including at least one or more of the following: goods; one or more individuals in addition to the operator; or one or more animals.
  • Must be a new eBike
  • Incentive is not intended for recreational eBikes
  • Incentive is not available for eBikes intended for resale

Incentive amount

You can choose one of the following incentives:

  • Receive $400 toward a standard eBike (MSRP $4,000 or less)
  • Receive $800 toward a cargo eBike (MSRP $5,000 or less)
  • Receive $800 toward an adaptive eBike (any MSRP)


State eBike incentive amount by tax filing status, AGI, and eBike cost
Adjusted gross income (AGI)Incentive amount for new standard eBike with MSRP of $4,000 or lessIncentive amount for new cargo eBike with MSRP of $5,000 or lessIncentive amount for new adaptive eBike (no MSRP limit)
$60,000 or less for an individual filing as single$400$800$800
$75,000 or less for an individual filing as head of household$400$800$800
$90,000 or less for a married couple filing jointly$400$800$800


How to Redeem