Electric Vehicle Incentive Calculator

This tool estimates potential incentives for electric vehicle purchases or leases, including those from electric utilities, the State of Vermont and Federal incentives. Not all eligibility factors are accounted for. See the information below and check with incentive sources to confirm your eligibility prior to purchase. Check our EV leasing resource for information on how federal tax credits can benefit a lease.

UPDATE: Funding for the State of Vermont's incentive programs is exhausted. See our State EV incentive resources for details.

This tool is in beta. This information in this tool is based on the latest information available to Drive Electric Vermont, but actual incentive amounts may vary based on eligibility criteria. Please let us know if you encounter any issues using this tool.

There are no cars available in Vermont matching your Vehicle Type and Car Make selections.
Adjusted Gross Income can be found on your tax return
Estimated Utility Incentive: More information required
Estimated State Incentive: More information required
Estimated Federal Incentive: More information required
Estimated Total Incentive: More information required

Additional automaker or dealership incentives may be available. Check with your dealership to learn more.

Trading in your old car? Get an additional incentive up to $5,000 through the Replace Your Ride incentive program.