For Businesses

Stand out and attract new customers and employees by offering plug-in electric vehicle (EV) charging. Businesses all over Vermont have charging stations on their properties, such as Stowe Mountain Resort, Killington, Burlington International Airport, higher education institutions, Healthy Living Market, King Arthur Flour, The Alchemist Brewery and Hannaford Supermarkets to name just a few. 

Considering EVs for your business’ vehicles? Adding EVs to your fleet can save money through fuel savings and reduced maintenance costs, while also reducing the carbon footprint of your operations.

More information on EV charging and fleet vehicle opportunities is provided in the sections below:

Why add EV charging stations?

The availability of EV charging stations can foster greater loyalty among existing customers and stronger interest among new customers. EV customers spend up to 50 minutes longer at retailers than average customers, and 43% are likely to return weekly to retail locations with EV chargers. For employees, charging stations offer a valuable and tangible benefit- providing greater access to a low-cost, reliable form of transportation to work.

EV charging helps you reduce the environmental impact and cost of employee commuting and travel, and your own corporate fleets.

EV Leadership pays off for your business

Charging for Employees

Improve workplace culture and accessibility.

Making EV charging equipment available to employees is a great way to attract value-driven talent to your organization. You can build a culture of commitment to environmental stewardship in the workplace and demonstrate your corporate social responsibility to visitors. The  US Department of Energy has a variety of resources available for workplaces considering EV charging.

In addition to fleet electrification services, we can provide additional support (i.e., site visit, develop specifications and needs, procurement guidance, etc.) for customers interested in workplace charging. Sign up to start the conversation here.

Charging For Customers

Strengthen relationships with your clientele.

Give people an incentive to browse a little longer in your store or stay for another course at your restaurant. It's also a good way to attract new business as well - locations of public charging equipment are listed and mapped on several websites (find ours here) including the AFDC Alternative Fuel Station Locator as well as PlugShare. Choosing the right charging equipment for your business will depend on how long you expect customers to spend at your establishment and other factors, like whether you need the ability to collect fees for EV charging use.

Icon of a customer

EV Charging Installation Costs

Installation costs vary widely depending on site characteristics, the quantity, and type of charging stations being installed. As charging stations have become more prevalent, equipment prices and installation costs have decreased.

The ideal time to install charging stations is during parking lot construction or resurfacing. Providing electrical service to parking spaces can account for 40% or more of the installation costs. Installing multiple stations simultaneously can also substantially reduce costs.

Increased facility operating costs will vary depending on your electric rates and amount of use. The average annual operating cost of public EV charging stations currently installed in Vermont is around $300/year for electric power.

Learn more about EV charging installation and operating costs with our Installation Guide.

Typical Installation Costs

Level 1 AC 
Equipment $30 - 900
Installation $200 - 450
TOTAL $230 - 1,350
Level 2 AC 
Equipment $600 - 7,000
Installation $2,000 - 12,000
TOTAL $2,600 - 19,000

Charging Incentives and Financing

The State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has administered several EV charging grant programs funded by the Volkswagen diesel emissions settlement and State funds. Their website has details on these funding programs.

ACCD has contracted with Green Mountain Power to manage $7 million for EV charging installations at multifamily dwellings, workplaces and public attractions. The program launched in July 2023. An online pre-application and additional details are available on the Charge Vermont website.

Businesses and other entities interested in hosting charging can fill out the online Vermont EV Charging Host & Service Provider Questionnaire  to be notified of future funding opportunities and volunteer their properties as potential host locations for other service providers to use.

Many Vermont electric utilities are also offering bill credits or other incentives ranging from $150-$750 per charging port for public and workplace charging installations. We recommend contacting your utility provider to see if they can support your installation. Below is a summary of programs currently advertised by several Vermont utilities:

  • Burlington Electric Department offers a charging incentive covering up to 75% of the cost, up to $1,500 per charging plug.
  • Green Mountain Power has a $750 incentive for public and workplace EV charging. They are also supporting DC Fast Charging installations. Visit their business innovation EV resources for more details.
  • Stowe Electric Department offers an incentive for workplace and public EV charging of $500 per charging plug.
  • Vermont Electric Coop provides a bill credit incentive for workplace and public EV charging of $500 per charging plug. They may also be able to support DC Fast Charging infrastructure development.
  • The Vermont Public Power Supply Authority offers a $500 rebate on workplace and public charging for customers of the following public power utilities: Barton Village, Village of Enosburg Falls, Hardwick Electric Department, Village of Jacksonville, Village of Johnson, Ludlow Electric Light Department, Lyndonville Electric Department, Morrisville Water and Light Department, Northfield Electric Department, Village of Orleans, and Swanton Village.

The Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) has low-interest financing available for public EV charging. Learn more on our financing page.

The State of Vermont Dept of Buildings and General Services (BGS) recently completed a bid process for EV charging equipment. Political subdivisions of the State are eligible to access the State’s contract pricing which could help save money and time associated with installing charging equipment.

The federal Inflation Reduction Act passed in August 2022 restored a federal tax credit for alternative fuel vehicle infrastructure, including charging equipment for plug-in electric vehicles. This provides a federal income tax credit of 30% of the installation cost, up to a maximum of $100,000 per location for commercial installations located in qualified areas. Homeowners could receive a 30% credit up to a $1,000 cap. The US DOE AFDC has more information on claiming this credit.

Tips for Businesses Considering EV Charging Stations

  • Survey your employees to see who already has an electric car and who is thinking about buying one. For those considering buying an EV, having charging available at the workplace may be enough to convince them to make the purchase.
  • Recoup some of the costs of installation via fees for charging. Some electric vehicle supply equipment offers systems for billing users for charging.
  • Install charging infrastructure during parking lot resurfacing or new construction to keep costs down. At a minimum you can install conduit as part of a larger project to make it easier to add charging equipment in the future.
  • If possible, restrict usage during peak hours to reduce any demand charges on your electric bill.
  • Offer free electric vehicle charging to employees. Your company can benefit by increasing worker loyalty through EV charging perks.
  • Contact Efficiency Vermont to get help reducing your overall electric use, which can free up resources and infrastructure capacity and allow you to provide charging services.
  • Consider pairing a charging installation with renewable solar power.

Electric Vehicles for your Business Fleet

Having EVs in your business fleet will reduce the carbon footprint of your operations and build your reputation as a forward-thinking and environmentally conscientious company. They can also provide significant lifecycle savings through reduced fuel and maintenance costs. Electricity rates are historically more stable than gasoline prices, so predicting the future costs of powering your EVs can be done with greater accuracy than gasoline vehicles.

Vehicle Types Available

Light-duty electric vehicles range from plug-in hybrid to all-electric vehicles and are now offered by most major car manufacturers. Medium and heavy-duty vehicles are rolling out for customers ranging from utilities to school districts. In the not-so-distant future, electric options are also expected to become more widely available in “off-road” transportation sectors, such as electric farm tractors, snowmobiles, and boats.

The affordability and availability of EVs can shift over time depending on fleet needs and a range of factors, from available incentives to market demand and supply. For new light-duty EVs, check out our model comparison tool and fact sheet to compare models. For new and used EVs, Vermont dealerships can provide the most up to date information.

Total Cost of Ownership and Emissions Reductions

Vehicle total cost of ownership (TCO) refers to the purchase price of the vehicle, plus operating costs over the life of the vehicle. You can save money on fuel costs and maintenance by replacing gas-powered vehicles in your fleet with electric alternatives.

For example, Champlain Water District determined they can save $4,745 over the lifetime of each vehicle by switching from gas-powered trucks to the Ford F-150 lightning. Learn more in this case study from Vermont Energy Investment Corporation.

Vermont’s electric grid uses relatively low-polluting sources to generate electricity, which in turn powers electric vehicles. All-electric light-duty vehicles emit nearly 13,000 pounds of CO2 less per vehicle annually compared with gasoline light-duty vehicles.

Vermont does import a portion of the electricity consumed in the state, which may not be factored into the analysis for Figure 2. Comparing Vermont emissions data in Figure 2 with national emissions data shown in Figure 3 below, shows going all-electric in Vermont is cleaner compared to the average US grid emissions.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Additional Resources for Electrifying Your Fleet

Check out this Drive Electric Vermont PDF for a deeper dive on fleet electrification. In it you’ll find answers to frequently asked questions and links to many other resources, such as:

The AFLEET tool, developed by the Argonne National Laboratory. This tool can be used to estimate petroleum use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, air pollutant emissions, and cost of ownership of light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles.

The Vehicle Cost Calculator, developed by the U.S. Alternative Fuels Data Center (AFDC). This uses basic information about driving habits to calculate total cost of ownership and emissions for makes and models of most vehicles.

The Dashboard for Rapid Vehicle Electrification (DRVE) tool, developed by the Electrification Coalition and Atlas Public Policy. This tool allows users to upload simple fleet data into an Excel-based tool. Users can analyze and assess the best fit for EV deployment, reducing time spent on traditional fleet analysis work.

You can get more information on EVs for your business from the US Department of Energy's EV fleet resources. You can also learn more about cost-saving opportunities to manage your EV fleet's charging in our Light Duty Fleet EV Managed Charging Guide.

EV Fleet Incentives

Light-Duty Vehicle Incentives

Businesses purchasing light-duty EVs (passenger cars, SUVs and small trucks) could be eligible for a 30% tax credit, up to $7,500 for vehicles less than 14,000 pounds. The business tax credit is not subject to the same battery production and mineral sourcing requirements as the consumer program. Tax exempt entities operating fleet EVs may be eligible for direct payments in lieu of tax credits. The IRS Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit resource provides more details on qualifying for and claiming this credit.

Utility incentives for electric vehicles are available for light-duty commercial vehicles through most Vermont utilities. We recommend fleet operators contact their local utility provider for information on their offers. As an example, Burlington Electric Department (BED) offers an incentive of $2,300 on a new all-electric vehicle through December 31, 2023. However, there is a limit of two rebates per commercial account and vehicles must be registered in a business name matching an active BED account.

The Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans) is offering the Electrify Your Fleet Program (Program), which provides up to $2,500 for the purchase or lease of EVs, including electric passenger vehicles, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles and snowmobiles. Applicants may receive up to 20 grants each. Eligible applicants include businesses, local and state governments, and non-profit organizations. Learn more about the program details and incentive application process here.

Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Incentives

Businesses purchasing medium and heavy-duty EVs could be eligible for a 30% tax credit, up to $40,000 for vehicles over 14,000 pounds. The IRS Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit resource provides more details on qualifying for and claiming this credit.

Customers interested in purchasing medium and heavy-duty vehicles should contact their local electric utility provider for information on any specialized offers for medium or heavy-duty EVs.

Fleets interested in converting diesel heavy-duty vehicles to electric may also want to explore the Diesel Emissions Reduction Assistance (DERA) program. Through the Vermont Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants Program, the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation VT (DEC) provides funding to local, state and regional agencies or departments, businesses, institutions, and nonprofit organizations for projects focused on reducing emissions from diesel engines and vehicles. Qualifying heavy-duty vehicles include buses and Class 5-8 trucks. Fleets replacing an eligible vehicle with an all-electric model can receive up to 45% of the cost through this program.

The VT DEC periodically posts DERA Requests for Proposals on the Vermont Business Assistance Network seeking applications for projects that provide significant reductions in diesel emissions. Please contact the VT DEC program administrator with any questions.

EV Fleet Charging Incentives

For more information on EV fleet charging incentives, please refer to the ‘Charging Incentives and Financing’ section above. Many of these programs and incentives should apply to EV Fleet charging needs.

Fleet Electrification & Technical Assistance Services

Ready to discuss electrifying your fleet, adding on-site charging, or other ways to make electric vehicles part of your business model? Sign up for a free, 30-minute consultation to discuss your business needs, including:

EV Charging Technical Assistance

For business owners or fleet operators who need support planning for charging infrastructure, DEV will provide EV Charging Technical Assistance. This assistance may include the following:

  • A site visit, which may also identify, at a high-level, facility upgrades that may be needed to host chargers;
  • Recommendations about charging options (L1, L2, and DC Fast charging), networked vs. non-networked charging;
  • An overview of managed charging technologies; and
  • Strategies to deploy charging infrastructure which minimize the total cost (through avoiding utility-side upgrades, reduced trenching, future-proofing, and other costs as well as available incentive offers)

Fleet Electrification Assessment

An expert at DEV can work with you to understand your existing fleet operations and help your business identify vehicles in your fleet that are suitable candidates for electrification.

Depending on the needs of your business, DEV may also be able to provide additional support to better understand data-informed aspects of EV adoption for your business including:

  • Cost of ownership
  • Charging needs
  • Charging infrastructure costs
  • Emissions & Avoided Emissions

Meet with an EV Expert

Discuss your EV charging and/or fleet electrification opportunities one-on-one with an EV Expert.

Ready to Get Started? Schedule a consultation today.